DWD Cheat Sheet

Local Development

Your code directory

  • Each web application you make should have its own directory.
  • The directory allows you to organize your code file and assets.
  • We will use Git for version control and deploying code to Heroku.
  • Open Terminal
  • Use the cd (change directory) command to navigate into the directory

    cd ~/Desktop/myapp
  • List the files inside the directory

    ls -la

Setting up Git on Code Directory

  • When inside the directory, you can create a Git repository. This only needs to happen once.

    git init
  • Create a .gitignore file so Git does not track certain files and folders.


    Save the file as .gitignore

  • Add files for tracking

    git add .
  • Commit the changes

    git commit -am "init commit"

Commit when you have something worth saving

You will need to commit your changes to Git when you have made some good progress. You will need to commit before you deploy to Heroku.

git commit -am "add a commit message here detailing the changed code."

Deploying to Heroku

Create an App

Each web app can have its own Heroku app. Creating an app is easy if you have the Heroku Toolbelt installed, https://toolbelt.heroku.com.

Before you create a Heroku app,

  • Have created a Git repository on the current code directory.
  • Downloaded and installed the Heroku Toolbelt, https://toolbelt.heroku.com.

In Terminal, in your code directory run the following command to create a new app on Heroku.

NOTE: You only need to run heroku create once per app.

heroku create

This will create a new Git remote path that will let you push your Git repo to Heroku. You can see your remote Git paths,

git remote -v

Deploy your app to Heroku

Before you push your code to Heroku you need to commit any changes you've made since your last push.

git commit -am "made some great changes"
git push heroku master

The last command will take a few seconds as it pushes your changes to Heroku and reinstalls the web app dependencies.

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